DevSecOps Report 2023
A medida que los entornos de nube se vuelven cada vez más complejos, las organizaciones adoptan DevSecOps para innovar más rápido sin comprometer la seguridad.
Preguntamos a 1300 CISOs sobre los desafíos que enfrentan en su viaje hacia la madurez de DevSecOps. Esto es lo que nos dijeron:
Los silos, los conjuntos de herramientas fragmentados y los procesos manuales impiden una visión unificada de los problemas de seguridad y la pérdida de tiempo.
Sin contexto sobre el riesgo de los ambientes, es difícil priorizar las vulnerabilidades.
DevSecOps sería más efectivo si todos los equipos trabajaran desde una plataforma.
Global data summary: U.S. and Latin America
Sample includes 200 respondents from the U.S. and 50 respondents from each of Brazil and Mexico.
Chapter 1: Increased complexity makes cloud environments more difficult to secure
U.S. | Brazil | Mexico | |
CISOs say vulnerability management has become more difficult as the complexity of their software supply chain and cloud ecosystem has increased. | 62% | 64% | 62% |
CISOs face a significant challenge in minimizing risk, given the difficulty of working with vendors to identify and resolve vulnerabilities in the software supply chain. | 72% | 66% | 76% |
Security teams don’t have access to a fully accurate software bill of materials (SBOM) in real time. | 77% | 68% | 82% |
CISOs say it would be impossible to create a fully accurate SBOM because their environment changes constantly. | 22% | 26% | 30% |
CISOs say it’s a significant challenge to prioritize vulnerabilities because of a lack of context information about the risk they pose to their environment. | 76% | 76% | 90% |
CISOs say vulnerability management would be easier if solutions combined application runtime context with vulnerability analysis and risk impact assessment. | 92% | 92% | 92% |
fuente: Dynatrace CISO report 2023