¿Qué es una transformación ágil?
Una transformación ágil se produce cuando una organización adopta un enfoque ágil en todos los departamentos, procesos y estructuras.
"El pensamiento condiciona la acción, la acción determina el comportamiento, el comportamiento repetido crea hábitos, el hábito estructura el carácter y el carácter marca el destino" - Aristóteles
La transformación se facilita cuando encuentras un sentido. El sentido tiene que ver con una vinculación emocional... porque el pensamiento te llevara a la conclusión, pero la emoción te llevara a la acción.
The journey to an agile organization
🪃 Agile Transformations Are: | 🩴 Agile Transformations Are Not: |
Company-wide transformations: A true transformation touches all aspects of your business, including people, processes, strategy, structure, and technology. | “Doing” Agile: Many companies mistake “adopting” a few Agile principles with a full transformation. If your customer support team starts doing sprints and following Scrum, that isn’t a transformation. |
An iterative process: Changing your way of working won’t happen overnight. Agile transformations usually start with small pilot projects or grassroots campaigns that slowly work through the organization. | Instant transformations: Attempting to pull off a top-down, all-at-once Agile transformation will likely blow up in your face. Transforming means living the Agile principles. Not creating rules and structures that won’t last. |
Culture shifts: The key to a successful Agile transformation is education. Teams need to understand why the change is happening and how it will impact them. There might be pushback, so you need top-down support from a cultural perspective. | A set of strict rules and processes that replace your old ones: Agile organizations need to be flexible. If you apply the same process that works for your development team to your sales team, you’re not guaranteed to see the same results. |